Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Day 7 & 8

One week and a day post op and in some ways I'm where I expected and others not so much.

The throbbing is still there each time I stand up, but swelling has gone down alot. I had a bit of a setback. Well no, not setback, plateau is a better word. Monday (day 6) I was able to bend my knee to 90 degrees, and Tuesday morning (day 7) I continued to work on bending it. However that tuesday afternoon, the throbbing became particularly painful and it felt harder/painful to bend it, which made walking and getting around much harder than anticipated. I ended up leaving work early and headed home to elevate, ice, and rest. I questioned if I had overdone it- I've chosen to take the stairs instead of elevator everywhere, I walk around the house without crutches, and have been out and about instead of at home resting... so the possibility is there, however I honestly don't feel as if I've pushed past any limits though.

Molly makes a great recovery buddy :) 

Today (day 8), my knee felt a little better and after seeing how it felt that morning, I decided two crutches were unnecessary and 'graduated' to leaving one crutch at home and only using one. Life is so much easier with one :)

Did a little less than normal today at PT- I had lost some confidence in it given the tantrum it gave me yesterday afternoon/evening. Warmed up with some previous exercises and then worked on bending it. I was only able to reach 88 degrees flexion today. Did a short 10 minute session on the EMS, it didn't particularly feel good but it didn't hurt at all. So not sure what to think of it. He asked if it felt any better/different afterwards and it really didn't at all, at least not immediately afterwards. I was able to use it alot more than normal once I got home after PT, so whether it was because of this EMS or not, I'm not sure. I'll certainly try it again though!

First time to use the electronic muscle stimulation- I get a little iffy around anything electrical anyways so I didn't particularly care for it, but it wasn't just absolutely terrible..! 

Of course, it always feels like you are bending it more than the video shows you actually are. Don't mind Willie, wondering just exactly what I was doing... Day 8 post op walking without crutches 

Going up stairs- today was the first day I've been able to lead with my left leg going up- still working on using my quad muscles instead of relying on my glutes and hip. 

I was also able to do a few straight leg raises for the first time since surgery. Regaining control/use of your leg is quite the experience..! 

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